Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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Full Moon in Taurus

November 12th 2019

As we enter this Full moon, your focus may be on your material needs, your values, your possession and your finances. Because Taurus rules money, this is also a fab day for organizing your finances. Start by looking over your budgets and planning your security but also those new purchases you may have had your eye on, remember though its all about being sensible with the taurean influence. Taking control over your finances will allow you to feel more secure and the influence is just right for that planetary assistance now. As with all full moons, its a time of realization and letting go, bring fully the potential within areas of your life. To get a deeper understanding see what house your Taurus and venus sit in.

You may be looking at your health, especially if you have overindulged recently and with the festivities coming up you could be looking to change that in preparation. Have you fallen off the exercise wagon? Now would be a good time to realize this, be accountable for your actions and do something about it

You could be looking at yourself, asking where you have been over obsessing, overeating, overprotective, over stubborn? All typical Taurean traits. Don’t beat yourself up too much though, this is a time of realization and nurturing not bulling yourself. Just become aware if it has gone a step too far, pay attention to your own insecurities and needs and find your own way of being kinder in these situations

The positive influence of this fabulous Taurus full moon is that you can pamper yourself till your hearts content! Taurus love being sensual, they love gorgeous things, they have no problem indulging in beautiful ways that make them feel the super special people they are. So take a note out of their book and treat yourself to a little you time over the next few days. Spending time in nature, reconnecting to mother earth and being snuggled up with loved ones, are all fabulous ways to embrace this Full moon.

This is a great time to think about what is at your core, your beliefs and values, what makes you really tick and what doesn’t. What is important to you, where is yoru heart at. What is going to make you content and rich in life.

Being opposite Scorpio, you could be looking at getting a better balance with your emotions and your practical side. As with most full moons, emotions run high but you can control that or let things go with the practical side of Taurus.

Now I am a typical Taurus and as I write this I can see so many things that I can relate too! This is though a positive time though and I for sure feel very settled, in control and at peace with where things are right now. Earth signs, Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo plus the water signs , Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces will find this an easier time, while,the other sign may find it a little more challenging.

On my Alter I will have symbols of the Taurus Bull, candles and the tarot cards for what I want to release and where I want my energies to be centered on next. Ruled by venus I will have rose quarts crystal and emerald green colours for my May birthstone. I will choose some personnel items that reflect my values and family.

The Tarot card connected to Taurus is the Heiraphant. In some decks the pope. This card represents, conforming, following a particular belief system. Not rocking the boat. Order and groups or communities particularly with a religious or spiritual theme. Often this card comes up when someone is seeking guidance from a spiritual leader or wanting direction in the form of rules and regulations and order.

Mystic Blessings Kate May

To book a full reading contact 07800734911






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