Kate May Modern Day Mystic

6 Month Tarot reading

6 Month Tarot reading zoom or email or video reading £30

Month by month insight using the tarot cards for the next 6 month with psychic guidance throughout

Want to know what’s going on for you in the next 6 months?

Using the tarot cards we can look into the next 6 month to see! Using a mixture of major and minor cards we can see what important information you need to know about and how it fits into your life and whether it connects to your emotions, material or working life

Having a 6 month forecast can give you an idea of what is coming up preparing you or aiding you to make the right choices

If you are having challenges we can see how long they will last and what you can do to make the best decisions in supporting any difficult times

Unsure if to take a job or not? we can look to see if it will work out for you within this 6 month forecast
New love? let’s check out where it’s heading