Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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Diary of a Mystic Week 12


And we’re off! We have a super early start – taxi for 3 am!

It’s strange heading off so early and then traveling 12 hours but still arriving in the morning! The first flight we had was amazing. There were lovely seats that were well looked after as well as plenty of food and drinks on tap! Then, we had our connection flight. What a nightmare! The time it took in queues to transfer meant we, along with many others, missed our connection flight. Although the staff continually said they’d hold the flight as it was a connecting one, they didn’t! In the run to get the plane, I badly damaged my leg, resulting in me spending the next hour in a wheel chair!

Little Britain experience over, we were back on the next plane. This time we were placed at the back right next to the very loud stewardesses! Luckily, it was only for four hours!

We arrived in LA to a beautiful sun, collected our car and headed a few hours drive away to Palm Springs, our fave place.

We have a beautiful hotel and lush pool to chill out by.

Jet lag kicked in straight away or was it we were just so tired since Saturday?


Waking up to a beautiful, sunny Palm Springs morning! We chill by the pool after popping out for tea and a bit of light shopping. When we first came here a few years back, we were introduced to Sera and Frankie, wonderful girls that we’ve kept in touch with. They’re in the band Unsung Lilly, an amazing band!

Tonight we arrange to meet up for dinner with the girls. After a lovely catch up and meal, we hit the sack! It’s only about 830 pm but feels like midnight! Great day and evening.


Its our three year first get together anniversary with Mr Flaaa. All loved up, we have a chilled morning by the pool and an exciting phone call with our promoter arranging our next trip. We then make an eight hour drive to Santa Cruz!

Both of us are tired. This is a long drive! I’m also feeling the effects of yesterday’s full moon!

Once we arrive, we crash! It’s been a long day!

Our America ventures started kind of out of the blue! A few years back, we’d been talking about going out there.Mr Flaaa had been wanting to go back, as he’d lived there before. A mutual friend (at the time) had offered to take Col out there for work but it didn’t happen, so we started to look into it ourselves. Not knowing anyone, this was a hard task. But, you’ve got to trust! Col has cousins in California but we couldn’t get them to sort work out. So for awhile, it was just talk. Then I started to see advertisements for California  on the TV,  Josh got bought a t-shirt with ‘California’ written on it and I got a few email readings from California. The signs were coming in but we had no contacts, a definite obstacle!

We had a psychic supper event and Col was meant to be reading for another lady but the ticket was swapped by Diane. I’d met Diane once or twice and Col had met her several times but we weren’t really connected to her and she had no idea about our America plans. He gave her a reading. Afterwards, she said, “He needs to go to America with me.” She then asked if we were interested in a meeting with her friend Sera, who is also into spiritual practice! This was amazing – and strange!

I contacted Sera and we started to plan the trip! I still wasn’t really sure what we were doing and was just  going with the flow. I had no idea how we were going to fund the trip but something was drawing me to continue planning it all. I spoke to Di on the phone and she said the money would arrive. Out of the blue that day, I received a PPI claim that more than covered our costs!

Through Di, we met Sera, who lovingly booked in a few readings for us.We had the cash and were almost set to go. In talking to another friend, Darren, I casually mentioned our plans. He then told me about his friend Lyn, who is a healer with her own sanctuary that lives out there . We now had Sera and Lyn to meet!

Through both these fab ladies, we’ve met many others and have set up regular work. It’s been so easy too. After that first meet up with Di & Darren, everything fell into place smoothly – just like it should. So, I guess the obstacle was not an obstacle but a way to unfold a new pathway, the correct one.


Woke up in Santa Cruz! Beautiful place. Much greener then the desert of Palm Springs. We have two full days of readings set up with the lovely Paulette,who has worked so hard in filling these spaces for us. We met Paulette through Sera on our first trip.

The day goes quick and we have time to spend at the beach in Capitela. It’s beautiful here and still so warm, especially for the end of October.

Reading for Americans is different to reading for the English. It really shouldn’t be but it is. From our last visit and doing readings in London, where I meet people from all over the world, I’ve learnt to adapt the style and language to suit. I’m  super proud of Mr Flaaa. He wasn’t going to do any readings but has done three today. All of them went extremely well.

I had no idea hummingbirds were so popular here. I met a lady and made reference to them in a discussion about her dad, who’s in spirit. She says she’s known as the humming bird lady . When I have my break in Paulette’s garden, which is a haven to wild life, I’m amazed to see not one but several humming birds! I’ve never seen them before! They’re beautiful – so fast!

We decide to go out tonight. It’s our three year love bird anniversary after all.

We find a place known to be casual and comfy – sounds like it suits us.

When we enter, the atmosphere is great, very welcoming but the emphasis is on casual!

The bar lady fills my glass with more Vodka than I can handle and Cols gin the same, this may be so we don’t notice the bad hygiene and random broken machinery laying around or the rat that darted out from where the bar lady had offered us pizza! Needless to say, we declined. However, we did have a fun night and got pretty smashed in the process!


Another full day of readings were booked in today and again, I met some some wonderful people. I had the great pleasure of connecting people to their loved ones and pets! Even our furry friends still want to show us they’re still around after they pass.

We just about have enough time to pop into the Bay Area and pick up a few goodies, I’m going to buy a beautiful butterfly garden wall set, a few gifts for our hosts and a rather large clay, …

The weather is still sunny and very warm. In between clients, we catch a few rays in the humming bird filled garden.

We have an early start tomorrow. We have readings in Monterey and are going to see a friend in her new home, so it’s an early night for us.


Rise and shine and we’re off! The drive is clear and the weather still hot. When we arrive, we’re welcomed into Lyn s fabulous new home.

We met Lyn last year when we came out, such an awesome lady with so much to offer. Before we have a chat, I read for one of her friends. They love the English accent.

Monterey is so pretty. If you’ve not been and find yourselves visiting California, its a must. We head out to a place we went before for lunch. Its owned by Dorris Day. As you can imagine, it’s very glam. The food is heavenly.

While we’re eating, an alarm starts to sound. Everyone who has an iphone has an amber alert come through – this is a direct message to say a child has been abducted.It gives the description and registration of the car concerned, so now everyone has been alerted. How amazing is it that this message goes out to so many people? As we drive off and head back to Santa Clarita, we see the same alert message on all the signs down the highway. This is a very powerful way to get to so many people, who are now all on the look out for this child and car. As a mum away from her children , this does bring a pinch of guilt and desperate need to be with them. Luckily, I can Whatsapp them. And, I do so as soon as they’re on my time level.

We arrive at Cols cousins’ house in Santa Clarita after a six hour drive. The scenery is stunning and the company is the best, so six hours goes by quite quickly.

Anna has a sleep over with the ballet school she runs, so we don’t get to see her just yet. Wills is busy in and out, which means we can crash nice and early.


Another beautiful, sunny California day! We don’t plan too much today, just a lazy day catching the last rays in the sun. We catch up with the family after breakfast but pretty much just lie on our backs in the garden next to the pool. Col braves the water a few times but seeing his nipples hard from the cold puts me off a dip!

We head over to LA in the early evening to meet up with our friend Anne from back home. Anne has been here a month working with the Psychic Sisters here. It’s great for me because I can chat with her for hours, which we do while Col catches up on his gaming. We hear some exciting news and check our tarot cards to see how it will all pan out! I can’t say what it is at this precise time but watch this space!

So we talk and talk about all sorts until the early hours! We plan on doing a huge event soon – it will be called ‘Hummingbirds, Fares and Events’ – my brain never stops working!




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