Monday week 18
Its Monday again! I had my bike stolen last week boooo, so am off to mums today to pick up her one, She no longer uses it, which means I can! Its a lovely posh one, with baskets and flowers, I have added tinsel and Christmas lights! Its such a nice ride! I love my new bike!
Back home I wrap up the gifts that have arrived from the posty and start cooking a yummy dinner for when mr Flaaa comes back home. The kids are getting excited for Christmas now, and keep counting all the gifts under the tree, adding them up daily to see if any more have appeared!
So today I have quite a few clients booked in, one is for an angel card reading. This is different to tarot, in the fact of, the tarot for me shows how situations are occurring or going to occur with direct fact, sometimes this can be a little scary for clients, the angel cards are a lot softer, and work with more angelic guidance, on a whole a lot more softer, of course its down to interpretation with both cards, half the job is knowing what the cards means, the other half is how to deliver correctly. I was very fortunate to have done basic counseling skills 20 years ago, at the time however, I did not know how useful this would be within my readings. I have had to clear up a quite a few readings, from others because they have let the client go home scared, confused and worse, have given completely wrong information.
I remember speaking to the late medium, Colin Fry, when I interviewed him for a magazine I worked for, about having a body for readings, but where would you start? Who would say whats acceptable whats not, although common decently says you should make the client feel completely not scared. I got a letter several years ago from a client, she was scared stiff from a reading she had, had from another medium, although none of it came true it put her off having anything to do with spiritual work again, after a couple of years, she plucked up the courage to see me, after my reading with her, I received this letter in the post saying I had restored her faith in spirit and she was so glad she had come along. That is what it is about for me, helping, guiding people and giving them faith. Even in the darkest times , its important to have t have faith and hope.
This evening we have our Psychic developments Christmas party. Each year at the end of this term, we bring in nibbles and the class get a night off, but Colin and I don’t! I do a tarot demonstration giving each of them a little reading and Colin does a mediumship demonstration. He hasn’t been doing it for over a year now and is fookin fantastic! His evidence is so good, everyone is really pleased. We finish the evening listening to his stories of psychical phenomena
Funny day in the lounge today, we are not that busy today, which means we can have deep and meaningful and sometimes risqué conversations with our regulars, that are now friends – the things we talk about! If only I was brave enough to write about it 🙂
I recently done an interview for a friends page and it went live today.(see my u tube- katemay modern day mystic) It was about being a psychic rebel, basically I speak my truth ob the subject of being positive, being spiritual and not planning life! Hopefully I don’t offend anyone lol
Tonight we have the yule Ceremony for Our Pagan friends. If I had to define my beliefs it would be as a pagan spiritualist. We gather round the log and offerings, while Julie reads from the notes. We just about all squeeze in tonight, there was more than I thought, prob have to move the tables out of the mystic lounge next time. We meet for the Sabets at the Lounge.
I absolutely love this evenings celebrations, the energy is buzzing and we all partake with singing, an offering to the log and words throughout. I have a separate blog on yule and the winter solstice.
Thursday We have hit the News Papers! Last week we did the interview and photos, and today its live on face book! The response has been amazing 100s have tagged friends, 156 as I write this have shared the article – it is live on both this web site and our Lounge – So with the Quiet Rebel interview, and now this, our adverts are well and truly up to date! There is normally a back lash of a few people slagging off anything mystical on the news page, but so far we seem to have missed that! A few thinking they are funny with – can they see us coming and closed due to unforeseen circumstances, whats the lottery numbers, like they are the first to say this lol but overall its a fantastic response. I have my Tarot Class tonight, one of my favorite things to teach. We have now finished the major Arcana, which means we can start on the court cards after Christmas
London Baby – Working my magic at The Psychic Sisters today. I bring in a tin of quality street sweets for the girls but somehow a few fell out into my mouth before I got there! Its the thought that counts eh? 🙂
They go down well and keep our energy up, its so busy today, I have my first recommendation there after I read for a lady from Dubai last month.
The streets of London are packed, its so busy every where, all the Christmas shoppers are out in force! Luckily for me, I manage to grab an earlier train and get home half hour earlier than usual, after a busy day this makes a huge distance.
No more work now till after the big day! Today is spent tidying the house and getting the last few foody bits. Its lovely to spend the day with the boys, they are so excited!
This time of year its very emotional for everyone, the memories of past loved ones missed , the stress of the shopping, trying to please everyone and we have a full moon in the watery emotional sigh of cancer today! Doing this work is wonderful to let people know that their loved ones are all around us, especially at this time of year or birthdays and anniversary. Its important to take some time out from all the emotions and stress and just breath and re group with ourselves.
Up early to hot the shops with the boys and Mr Flaaa. As most men they leave it till the last minute – I so couldn’t do that! Mind you I have slightly more to buy for than him lol
I have no idea how I ended up with so many bags! I though I was done but apparently not! Why do we panic buy – its only a day yet Im stocking up for a month!
Every year, the last Saturday before Christmas, the boys give up their pocket money to buy gifts for the elderly at our local Hospital The QA. So with that done yesterday, today we deliver the wrapped presents. Its so good for them to understand the pleasure of giving not just receiving and to think of others less fortunate then themselves.
I take flowers down to my Nan & Great Nan at the cemetery, its busy there today, as expected really. I don’t normally get emotional, but I am feeling it today, as I lay the flowers, missing my Nan so very much.
Once home, I pack up my bike basket with cards and gifts for my friends on the estate. My friend Donna, whom we took over the shop form, has built a huge log cabin in her garden, its the first time ive got to see it tonight and its bloody amazing, she does her all art work here now, her creations are out of this world!
This has been such a busy day, and it ends with a game of cluedo at my dads, who lives next door, My Aunt and cousin have arrived for Christmas so our tradition is board games in the evenings whiles they are down. I guess wrong, my psychic senses are on vacation and Im outta the game lol