Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

Please click here to purchase a deck

Diary of a Mystic week 21


So We are opening on Mondays now – its gotten so busy in the Lounge, so we felt we didn’t want anyone to pop in and see us closed!

So glad we did as we have so many walk in for readings! Before we open though I have a catch up and breakfast with one of my besties, Phil. hes moving back to the U.K from Ireland. We had a great catch up and im so glad i got a chance to have breakie with him!

The Kids are back to School this week, I love getting back to normal! Its been great having them home and we’ve made some lovely memories, but its also good to get back to a routine.

Also I feel so guilty working while they off! I am already planning some fun the the next half term!


I Meet a Lady today who was a sceptic. I don’t actually like doing people who are sceptics. I don’t feel I should have to prove anything to anyone and if someone wants a reading,great, but if they are just out to difficult, then they can do one! Anyway, luckily I didn’t know this guy was a sceptic until after the reading.

Her Grandparents connect really well and with the mixture of tarot cards, this is a great reading. Once we have finished, she is so shocked and overwhelmed you can literary see she is in shock!

Word has defiantly got around that we are doing readings now in Cosham High Street, our books are bursting this month! Its really important for us though to get a balance and not over work ourselves.


Ive joined the gym, and have my first session today! Although im at work its not far and I sneak off for an hour to work my muscles instead of my magic!

I go for the body balance – its a mix of Tai chi – Pilates and yoga! I love it and bend my way back to the lounge after!

The lounge has had a few new faces this week, mostly thanks to the news advert and recommendations. We have a guy come in, old school medium and healer, he is very interesting and starts trying to balance all our chakras! He is actually quite good, its amazing who pops in our shop each week!


Fully booked again with readings today – its hard when people have come along way for a reading and we are fully booked, although we have put it on our social media pages to pre book, not everyone sees it. We do our best to fit everyone in but can not always make everyone happy.

Tonight I have my Tarot class, we well over half way now and the group are doing soooo well! They all start the course thinking they will not be able to remember the 78 cards, but each group I have, manages very well and often surprises themselves


My favorite day! Not just because its near the weekend but because we have our Tarot Share and coffee morning. Its also the day when we gather the Loose mystics!

Our live readings session goes really well, we back to back today with readings after 11 and finish the day whacked! No rest for the wicked, we have our demonstration tonight and I have an hour to get my nails done and spruce myself up!

The boys are with their dad this weekend which leaves me to focus on work!

We sell out and have a great eve, lots of fun and well received messages and connections. We had to hide in the back room prior to the event, in a fit of giggles – a mixture of nerves and because its us 2!


We have a jam packed day! Not only for our readings, but also for our talk! We have the lovely Denise in today doing a crystal talk. Well we have never been so packed! people were standing and siting on the steps, it was manic. Denise was brilliant and everybody loved the talk

Tonight we girls let our hair down! When we went out for Christmas, it was so close to Paula’s mums passing that she couldn’t really enjoy it. So with it being super busy already, we decide to go out tonight – Some where in our madness we decide whisky is the drink of the day!


No Hanover, which is great! Whisky more often!

We start the day with a breakfast then church. The original medium has cancelled, so another lady is taking the service. We don’t get a message but its a nice service. Once back home its operation clean up ready for the cleaner tomorrow!




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