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Interview with Colin Fry for Silent Voices Magazine by Kate May

Kate has had the pleasure of interviewing many people on spiritual subjects, here she talks to the late Colin Fry in 2015


 Colin Fry

This interview was conducted 12 months before Colin passed into spirit.

Publicly acknowledged as ‘The Peoples Medium’, Colin is one of the world’s most renowned mediums, having worked as a Spiritualist Medium, registered healer and tutor for 35 years, 2012 saw Colin become a Spiritualist Minister, now officially known as The Reverend Colin Fry. Colin has numerous appearances on Television and radio shows on a national and international scope, Colin has undertaken many international tour dates including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Ireland, Finland and other European countries. Having been the Author of four best-selling books, including a ‘Sunday Times Best Seller’. He has also released his long awaited personal Autobiography ‘The Happy Medium’

1. Since our last interview with you in 2011 you have become an ordained Minister, what does this entail and is this something personal to you?

I was first approached about being a minister about 12 years ago and had been a officiating at funerals and blessings but my work was centred more around touring and television and so I couldn’t have the commitment that would have been needed until 2012 when I felt the time was right to become more involved and became a minister, which has bought a more less public role for me where I can be of support to those in need

2. We have noticed you are doing a 6ixth Sense Celebration Tour in 2015, can you tell us more about it?

With the enduring popularity of the 6ixth Sense from 2002, and still being enjoyed by the pubic I thought this was a time to celebrate the success and continue to help people.

3. You done a successful 6ixth Sense Television show that still shows on Satellite channels, would you ever consider doing this TV show again?

If I was offered this then I would defiantly think about it, yes and obviously it would have to be in the public interest and for them to approve off.,the public have been very supportive of the television shows which are still running

4. You have written a many wonderful books; have you any plans to release any more books in 2015?

I’ve always got ideas for new books in my head , my last one was launched about 15 months ago so I may leave it a couple more years before writing a follow up to my autobiography. I am not a natural writer so sitting and putting thoughts together to write a book takes a huge amount of time and is very tiring and I need my sleep now a days

5. Where can our readers find you in any of the main stream magazines?

I’ve stopped writing for main street magazines as I’ve felt that has been done and not always taken seriously so I would rather stick to writing for psychic news which I currently do and seem to have more serious subjects

6. What is your belief system about karma and reincarnation?

These words I feel are greatly misused, I personally don’t believe in reincarnation but I do respect those that do, In my time as a working medium I have never experienced anything that would encourage me to believe in the Buddhist principle if reincarnation but as I said I do have respect for those that do. As for karma, cause and effect again I feel the word is over used and especially if you look at social media’s where some people respond with ” karma will get them” I feel its used in such a way that is negative rather than looking spiritually and trying to solve the problem or look at why it s occurring. It is a spiritual law that effects all of us.I get despair sometimes with the spiritual movement and those that pursue themselves to be spiritual are sometimes so quick to condemn people.

7. What’s has been the most memorable experience in your work?

When working within mediumship , the messages we receive are not ours to keep so once its given its not ours to hold onto,certain parts of mediumship work may be remembered a little but I don’t believe it ours to keep

8. Have you always been aware and accepting of your gift and how old were you when you realized what was happening to you?

I don’t know any thing else, I’ve been aware of it as far back as i can remember, It has been part of me forever, I was about 13 – 15 when i first came to realise the importance and responsibility of what it meant, so this is around the time when I joined a spiritual church to understand more of what I already knew

9. What sense do you work with the most?

Sometimes clairaudience and clairvoyance but mostly Clairsentience, When you are dealing with different energy all the time it will come in in different forms as you and I are different energy

10. When did you first come into contact with Spiritualism and how?

Through the spiritual church , from a young age, I was asked to sit in a closed circle after the lady running it said I wasn’t supposed to be there , I said i was and so she said you can join me in circle and I developed from there

11. Many Polls show a large percentage that the public are believers in the work you do, but the media in general still portray afterlife workers in a negative way, and in the main ridicule what we do. Do you think the media should portray this kind of work in a more positive way?

I think when it comes to going onto television to defend mediumship some people that go onto the TV don’t always put their point across well and so it ends up slightly confusing. When I go on these sort of programmes to defend I have been told I do put up a good defence and know how answer back to these journalist, some of the y or less experienced mediums no disrespect but are interested in their 5 minutes of fame and being in a paper then get taken advantage of and the end results is then portrayed in negative

12. We know you must love what you do. So, what is the best part of being a Medium?

To serve God, To help, to know at the end of the day I am helping people

13. If you could communicate with anyone, who would it be and why?

I have been very fortunate that most of my family have come back to me – my mother came back the morning she passed,

14. You have worked with many mediums over the years, who in your opinion was the most Interesting to work with?

Gordon Smith I have great respect for,we worked together a number of years ago and he’s been my friend for many of years For evidence and outstanding mediumship ,then Gordon, and like very much Derek Acorah and Tony Stockwell ,again they are also friends of mine. I’ve worked with many accomplished mediums I’ve been very lucky

15. Why do you think the demand for this work is so high

Because everyone has someone that has died and they want to know where they are. This is why the physophy and spiritual teachings of the spiritualist movement are so important If we just deliever messages we are no better than a human text machine

16. What do you do for rest and relaxation?

Chill out with the dogs, go home to Spain, spend time with my husband. I enjoy relaxing for a month,then I’m looking forward to getting back to work as I enjoy it so much, Obviously i love spending time with my husband but I also love my work

17. Could you sum up your philosophy in two or three sentences?

Help as much as you can and harm as little as possible

18. Work and personally, what would you like for the future?

My aspiration for the spiritual movement, I would like to see it not so much as a private members club , and peoples authority being more interested than doing anything for the movement. I would like to see the doors of the Spiritualist Churches opened wider for those wanting to use them and more consideration on the philosophy of spiritualism and this movement to become much more of an evangelistic cause




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