January Tarotscopes 2020
To book a reading contact 07800734911
General readings – Clarification – Insight – Guidance – Questions
12-month forecast – See each next 12 months through the Tarot plus areas such as Money, Love, Work, Career
7 Cups – As you enter the new decade, you may have too many things on your mind, too many things to think about and your overactive mind this January doesn’t help you. You have lots of choices and decisions to make and may not know which way to turn. Best not to go for the first thing that’s offered or the shiniest! Emotions may be cloudy, which won’t help your choices, so don’t rush them. People and situations will show their true colours in time, and the unopened boxes that seem so appealing will show what’s on offer if you wait a while and bind your time.
What may seem a great idea at first may not be so and what may seem a worthless cause may end up being the one! The Seven of Cups is a card of new opportunities, choices, and at times, an illusion. You may be prone to illusion and unrealistic ideals. Dig deep into all the choices on offer this month Aries before making that choice
4 Pentacles – This card shows a good strong foundation is being built and money is building with that, you may be saving up for something special or just holding on tightly to what you’ve worked for. This is great for businesses and savings but be aware of being too tight, too restricted with your building – be mindful of still needing flexibility in your life, you are in danger of becoming too restricted to material things or what you have worked hard for.
Remember money flows better when it is used. Holding on to material things or emotions for that matter won’t serve you in the long run, be open to being a little more generous and removes the emotional blocks you may be holding tightly. This will sit comfortably with you as you enter 2020 Taurus because finances, material, and security rule your house
Death Card – Changes are coming. The end of a cycle and the start of new ones. Don’t get freaked out by the death card as some do, this simply means changes are occurring this month. This may have a positive outcome with new light being shed after a while of uncertainty.
You are aware that something needs to end or is coming to a natural end now and while you may not be able to fight that any more, you will see new life forming from it. As you enter the new Decade and new year, this card shows you that by closing the doors of 2019, you can open them with a new look or through new eyes. Expect fresh starts in all areas of your life
The Magician – This card is wonderful for you! You should not doubt yourself at all this month, have the confidence to do what you want. You have all the tools to do the job and may choose different pathways to achieve your goal. This is the start of something magical, something you’ve been dreaming about for a while.
You may have to use a little intuition and dare I say trickery to get what you want? Or be aware of what’s behind the scenes. You can create the power you want to achieve this month. Manifest your desires without anything stopping you.
You can achieve anything right now, as you enter 2020 this is a fantastic start to create what reality you really want. There may be several roads that you can choose but you have what it takes so any road is yours!
3 of wands – What a great card for the new year! The Three of Wands sees that your plans are now well underway and you may be offered even more opportunities to expand your horizons and bring about a better potential outcome. Travel plans may pop up this month along be it with work or pleasure. This card indicates that now is the time to start forging ahead with what you have been planning recently. Teamwork may work well with you for September as long as everyone is on the same page. Everything is progressing steadily
It is time to think bigger than before and acknowledges great opportunities that present themselves. This month is about preparing for the bigger picture and being a little more adventures than usual
10 Swords – The ten swords, see difficult times that are coming to an end. This month starts off with an ending, this is great though, all those challenges that have popped up in the last few months are now finishing and won’t be back! This is a karmic card and says the karmic debt has now been paid therefore you can see the light and be renewed. If anyone has let you down of late, know that the lessons have been learned and you can finally look forward to a better month.
While this is a challenging card and some of you Bulls may still have to go or are still going through it this month, accept, learn and pick yourself up. The pain of this card reminds us of our actions to change what can be changed and accept what can not – accepting and healing knowing that is the end of the difficult cycle
The Hanged man – You start the new year with contemplation and hanging around. You may be at life’s crossroads this month! You may have to think for a while and hang around while you do so. Choices will need to be looked at from all sides and different angles. Look at the bigger picture, the long term outlook here.
Sacrifices may have to be made in order to move forward. Don t make big plans this month if you can help it, see what needs to be let go off, wait and swing back and forth before you make your final decision.
Seeing things in a different light will allow you to make the move or not that you need too as you start 2020
9 swords – Are you still fretting over 2019? are you worried about 2020 already? You may be worrying excessively about a situation, and allowing negative thoughts to get the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. Over worrying, leading to troubled sleep and depressive thoughts may hit you harder this month than usual. Be aware of adding to your worries just as energy and thought attracts one another – what may have started off as a little niggle, over time can be built up into something huge if our thoughts and fears allow.
This month the message is about not overthinking, and instead of asking for help and support. By taking a deep breath and realizing that life is not as dreadful as it seems and that the more you worry, the more harm you are doing to yourself you can release this anxiety. Quite often this card reflects whats going on in your minds as opposed to reality. Be gentle on yourself this month Scorpios
Devil – As you enter 2020 month and you have the devil in you! Now that could be in many ways – It represents being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. Also living in fear, domination, and bondage, being caged by an overabundance of luxury, discretion should be used in personal and business matters.
This month try not to let things bind you, don’t get over materialistic to the point it becomes an obsession. You could find the darker side falls by your way with depression or the wrong pathway or that you are dealing with someone of that nature. There is a relief though, this card is far better reversed. It allows the chains of control to fall off, you don’t have to be so tempted or consumed
Empress – As January 2020 opens up to you, the abundance of good news follows. This is a very special month because the tarot is asking you to put yourself first. Pamper yourself, spend time in nature, have fun with the family and loved ones. Your energies are best focused on you first before you can help others.
You may be looking to make your home more comfortable, I know I am this month, or your workspace getting ready for an abundant time. Times are good and if well-nurtured everything seems to be ticking along nicely. Do remember though it going to be very important that you put your health and own needs first this month. After that its all about growth, manifesting and reaping what you sow. Family times are especially important with new additions. Creating new ideas, that over time with the right effort, will bloom for you. The key message is to put your needs and your family’s needs first
9 Wands- Any frustrations from 2019 are almost over if you have been feeling like banging your head against a brick wall or going round in circles? That is all about to be behind you as you enter a much clearer time. Although there is still a little more ahead before you are out of the waters, you are in a stronger position to know what’s what. You are moving on from the hard times and struggles.
If you have been feeling like giving up, not carrying on, one step forward one step back and testing times, rest assured its almost over. Many lessons have been learned through these trying times and you really are almost there. Obstacles can come in many forms but stand your own and keep pushing on to the finish line that’s so close insight
4 Swords – Rest and recuperation is the order for November. Whatever the situation or whoever is causing some grief right now, this month the cards are asking you to step aside and pull away from your energies so that you can recharge your batteries, your thinking and come back feeling fully energized and clearer. Something needs a break, and if you don’t take action then it may be forced upon you.
The great thing about this card though is that with a little R&R you will bounce back, stronger than before. If there something that started as a small issue which now has overwhelmed you, taking a step away from it will help balance things