Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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June Tarot Scopes – See whats instore for you this month through the rider wait tarot cards that I have selected for you this month!

For a full Reading please contact me on 07800734911 or email katemaystar@gmail.com insight nto Areas such as Love, Wealth, Career,Home family and more! Skype,face to face,phone or email available plus party bookings www.katemaytarotmum.co.uk     


Ace of Cups – As with all Aces, they are the start of something, with the cups its usually Emotional or Spiritual linked but can be linked to other areas with an emotional attachment involved. New baby news, New hope within health, New ventures with a passion and creative energy. Cups usually indicate a very auspicious period, joy,happiness & love! Personal relationships and friendships are particularly favored. New ventures spark high passion. Whatever area this falls in for you its a great start! As this is an emotional card you may be feeling a little over emotional so be gentle and kind to yourself. Ruled by the water signs in astrology – This card has a feminine feel to it, so aspects of nature, self awareness, and intuition, creative outpourings or spiritual experiences are all highly indicated. Much Love!


2 Wands – Generally another great card indicating good news is coming, for me its the waiting on good news card – attainment of targets and due rewards – partnerships within work and business are favored, any self doubt or anxiety will soon be replaced with more hope and seeing your path way open up to more positive opportunity. Achievement, Travel and looking ahead with the whole world at your finger tips for me is within the meaning of this card – I always see this a great card full of hope that some good news will soon follow usually within a couple of weeks especially for work related issues and relationships – Ruled by the fire Sings this Card has energy, passion and fire in its belly! Use this action to inspire creative passions knowing good will follow! Get going!


Wheel of Fortune – An optimistic Card for you! This for me signals the end of one cycle and the new of another with a much more favorable outcome if used in a positive way! Maybe circumstances out of your control but the changes should be positive – Study learning and wisdom all generate from this card, your past lessons learnt so you become wiser. This is a great card indicating Change and movement forward, but one that requires action before you can go with the flow more. Generally a very lucky Card – ruled by Jupiter the planet of luck and expansion. Be Lucky!


Queen of Swords – Now the Queens usually for me represent an older female or the need to be mature and direct here, within a situation. With the swords its air, so thought and mind set. Here she possess a sharp intelligence and critical mind, highly perceptive. She may be a professional person in a position where she can offer counsel or legal or teachings to help yourself or others connected to you. If she is capable of help she will help you. Fiercely independent and self reliant. Now if this represent you – then you will need to act using your on head not your heart, so thinking logical not emotional within a situation. You may find you are having to be much more direct with your voice now, speaking your truth, and one with quite a direct approach! You may come across arguments,and confrontations particularly with strong females – but as long as you speak your truth and dont get emotionally involved, knowing you are doing the right thing for yourself you should be fine, say your piece and move on, but remember you have been warned. Stay sharp and the cloudiness that may be there now will soon clear. Ruled by the air Signs this is all mental activity so thoughts, mind set and intellect – use your thoughts well! Stay Cool!


Strength – Wow what a powerful card! Strength signifies the ability to cope with and overcome a situation, facing it head on, not burring your head in the sand, stay determined & courageous, keep persevering – you can do it! Control your temper by acting in a way of calm and handle any situation with gentle care – Love will always win over hate – This card asks you to Control negative impulses such as jealously,anger,spite. Rather keep your tongue – often when we speak out of fear we say something we later regret – by holding your tongue it allows you to remain in control, in your own power. Direct negative energy into more positive expressions in order to overcome obstacles to happiness and fulfillment. On another level the recovery of health and well being is indicated here. If you’ve picked this card then long may you stay strong and positive through challenges knowing you got this! Ruled by the Sun – Power and fire! Public displays of this power and strength Activate your power now. Stay strong!


2 Cups – The main meaning for me on this card for you this month is partnerships, friends coming together, lovers,relationships and work partnerships. All with a very positive feel! This indicates you are about to enter a powerful relationship with someone whom you can have great trust and regard for. A greater understanding between 2 people is of influence in this card,bringing  you to being on the  same path way and balancing out harmoniously. Any difference previously occurred, this card symbolizes a coming together and a resolution in these possible challenges.Now being that is it also cups we see the emotional bond connected so even within a financial situation this card implies a great sense of passion between 2 people eager to resolve difference and work in harmony together, planning and mastering what they are sent out to achieve well. Connected as i said to water in Astrology we see emotions being paired, particularly in love,creative  and spiritual work – Stay well connected!


8 cups – Despite security and stability, you may be looking at more ways of feeling internal happiness,peace within. You may have felt disconnected and dissatisfied with your lot recently and wish for something more connected to yourself. Drawing you to pastures new and new ways of emotional/spiritual  fulfillment.

Underneath, this is an urge for greater self knowledge and learning for your soul, your inner self. The need to find a deeper meaning for yourself. This may lead you this month to walk away from what you have built up. walking away from people and situations that no longer serve you. Allowing you to start a new period of personnel growth making life style changes.

This doesn’t come easy for you but shouldn’t be a surprise for you may have been thinking about it on and off for a while now, but this month sees you ready to move forward on your personnel journey. This may also connect to someone close that you know has moved on from one world to another for personnel growth, let them go,its their journey and yours will follow in your own truth.

Follow your own Heart. This card connects to the Astrology signs of water – so emotional needs are needed most here, be gentle on yourself and others while you adjust to your new pathway


6 wands -Victory and success! This Month Scorpios, there  is much to be grateful for, triumph and success are yours for the taking!

This is a great indication that your past efforts are now paying off and you will be in a position to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Recognition and rewards are yours. If you are waiting on news or an event this indicates the news will be good. Travel and movement are favorable here with a good following and respect from others.

Now the hard work doesn’t stop there and you may have to continue that plan and progression with the help and support of others to maintain your victorious crown!

Lots more opportunity will present themselves in the near future but only with ,ore creative work and moves in a forward direction, you’ve come back from a  place of struggle, dont let that crown slip and end up back there, keep ya chin up, keep interested and good results shall be yours!


5 swords – Now then – have you been feeling are things really worth the effort? do you want to continue putting up with people that are selfish and maybe not as supportive as you would be?

This card for you sees you weighing up situations that you really will be thinking are they past their sell by date! A short term loss will end up being a long term gain, while it may be difficult to see that – rest assured im usually right 🙂

Are your efforts worth the pain and sorrow? do you feel you are being mugged off? think about it. Someone may think they have all the luck and could be laughing but how have they got this luck. have they been distrustful or selfish?

This luck will run out and the truth will appear with more fortune to those that were misused.

Now be very careful if this applies to you! Have you been the one to abuse a situation recently that saw you coming off better from someone else after your miss use? lick your wounds and learn from this.

In a nut shell though this card indicates – don’t look back look forward, don’t hang around if something is to much effort and remember what goes around usually comes around! – Be True


10 cups – Happy news – Family news – Emotional Contentment – Wedding bells and the final attainment of a sought after goal with emotional success.

Family or other doubts are resolved and tensions are healed. Great for any form of commitments and long standing achievements.  Spending time doing what you love this month will be of particular importance with family and close friends being top of the list. Spiritually you should be feeling the buzz and having positive energy all around you right now – with lots of love coming your way!

Good news, emotional happiness and everything feeling completed and all as it should be. Singing will benefit your health right now – celebrating life and all that you are happy for! Working commitments strengthen, with a stronger commitment to them and happiness growing from this to all involved. Happy days!


2 words – Forever the thinker, this card indicates harmony and balancing with healing. The balancing of 2 opposing forces or issues.

The source of conflict may be external in which you are acting as a mediator or are trying to initiate an honorable settlement. It may be an inner struggle, as your heart and mind are pulled into 2 different directions. which ever the conflict this card indicates harmony and balance.

Resolution of conflict. Peace of mind and balance are the key words here. Meditate, go within to find your peace and allow your intuition to guide you into the right direction.

This month do not force or rush choices, just sit and be for a while allowing the conflict to find balance – Be patient with your choices


Knight of pentacles  – dependability, persistence, patience and trustworthy – is this you? or could you be about to attract someone of this nature into your life? If this sounds like you, you are being asked this month to act in a practical and curious way that allows much practical solutions and stead fast growth to come about you allowing much more free flowing energy and security

You could be  about to have someone enter your life who is practical and cautious or have the influence of this soul already in your life make some impact this month.

A great card for work opportunists , money matters and travel or business perhaps being bought to you you by a male. Stay Grounded and positive news will come to you


Available for partys or one to ones with General Readings or 12 month forecasts – Tutoring on Tarot Classes  & Psychic Development. New Tarot Class starting end of June please email for more details – katemaystar@gmail.com




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