By Kate May
Tarot Scopes for March 2020
Aries – 2 wands
This Month, you are in a position to expand your horizons and look further afield at what you really want. You may hear of new work opportunity’s, you may come up with new ideas to improve your current situation or be waiting on some news that allows you to move forward. There is a spring in your step, this month and you should be excitedly looking to step up the game!
That said you will need to put in that extra mile to get the results you need and not expect it all to just land in your lap. The idea has now turned into the action and you know have to start planning how to create the masterpiece that you desire
Whatever area of your life needs a bit more action and attention, this is the month to do it!
Taurus – Page of Cups
What a lovely card for you this month. New ideas on a creative vibe, possible you will hear some baby news, more likely something of a surprise will pop up for you this month, but in a good way! This is a great month to start dreaming about what it is you want to bring around you for the new year
There is creative energy bubbling away, have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything and out of the blue who knows what will come up! A feeling of joy and excitement this Spring. You will have to trust your instinct and listen out for all the messages being sent your way
Younger people may feature more than usual this month especially those with a creative flair and a good imagination!
As its a fun festival time, you could be feeling inspired by children or want to indulge in your inner child. Enjoy the fun, don’t take things too seriously this month and flirt with life itself as you get excited for what the new year brings
Gemini – 2 Pentacles
As you enter March, this sees you juggling things, particularly on a material level. This could be 2 jobs to homes or 2 projects. You are kept fairly busy and will be keeping your head above water as you go. This month it is about time management and how to manage your time and your priorities carefully. Your workload or responsibility is heightened, and to get everything done, you need to stay focused and productive.
This card also reminds you to pay special attention to your general administration, including paying bills managing finances, staying on top of your commitments and maintaining your diary. Be careful that you do not miss important deadlines, meetings, and other obligations.
You are in a good position to keep your head above water, emotions should be calmer now, although you will still need to balance yourself here for the best influence
With Spring just around the corner, you could be feeling excited about the new hopes and dreams it brings. This is a great time for love and romance or doing creative things. You may have to be careful you don’t bury your head in the sand though, be practical where it’s needed especially with money or business matters
A romantic gesture could come your way, or you could be the one with romantic offerings! This card reflects your kind, caring and feminine side. As its a knight this could be a male connected to you who is in touch with his feminine side.
Matters of creative interest are taking an extra step, things you have dreamed about what it is you want to create and now are moving forward with this dream to make it a reality. Action is required to make things happen, especially things that involve creative energy, love, and emotional fulfillment
Leo – Wheel of Fortune
Change is most likely, whatever has gone on, now things are about to change pattern or cycle. There is a turning point now. You are heading into a lucky expansive phase this month.
Destiny takes part, so although there is action required, aspects are out of control while luck and destiny play out, usually though with a positive outcome
Some action is required first to get things moving in the right direction.
There could be new conditions of work, relationship, home whatever the area, this card says that the movement now is on the positive side of the law of change.
Everything is now in balance, wisdom and knowledge are at your fingertips, the spiritual realms are working in your favor and there is much positive guidance coming from all corners! You may even sense the magic a little more now or see signs the universe is on your side
There is a pinch of unpredictability with this card, so it really is asking you to go with the flow and trust, however hard change maybe for some, this will show it turns around for the better. For those that are ok with change, this is fine, but if you are a person who likes control, although you will be glad in the end, you may find it more of a challenge as the wheel turns!
Virgo – The Empress
Family matters are a high priority now, and putting your self first. After a rocky few months, now things should be looking up, especially if you have your good family and close around you
Abundant times ahead. This month looks to have you in a comfortable position, a happy and content lifestyle. A time of growth and pleasure with all life’s luxuries on offer now. From what you have nurtured you are now seeing the benefits. Be grateful for your abundances now, as this is what you have been creating. You can continue this great creation with more nurturing. Spending time with family and loved ones, nurturing them, paying attention to your partner and your downtime, bringing excellent news linking harmony to romantic or working relationships alike.
This March, you are encouraged to show a softer side, a more gentle, less harsh side of your personality. Deal with things or people in a more nurturing way if you are to get what you want.
Spending time in nature, country walks, or gardening, anything that lets you see the wonders of nature and to soak up the positive energies. Treat yourself, pamper yourself, love yourself.
Within work or business situations, take a look at what you want to grow, what needs more water, more attention? Apply this now, this month, keep it going and you will have a very abundant time to come
Libra – The Magician
A fabulous time to create what you want! You are encouraged to action and manifest all your desires. The message is to tap into one’s full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
Having the self-confidence to master what you want, indicating self-confidence passion and drive which allows you to put your ideas into action. Being practical with your ideas now is the best way to bring them to fruition.
By using your strength and will of determination, success is likely due to your manifesting magic! This spring, you have all the perfect ingredients to bring you success in all areas. On the table by his side is everything g he needs to magic up whatever he wants. There is the spiritual wand,(fire), physical pentacle, (earth), mental sword, (air) and emotional cups,(water) well within reach to bring ultimate power if used correctly.
By bringing everything together, synergistically that the impact of what you create is greater than the separate parts. This is alchemy at its best!
This is the perfect time to go for it with ideas and seeds you want to grow. Action is required now, you have the skills, confidence, and power to bring into your life anything you want to create – dream big and big things could happen
As you enter March, you are getting things in order and setting up rules, regulations, tradition and honoring values. Doing things in a conventional way, not rocking the boat and bringing order to situations. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. A spiritual teacher or guidance may connect to you. Someone who will help in teaching an orthodox structured way of learning. This card is great after upheaves as it shows order will be resumed. Having an established set of spiritual values and beliefs, ones that may strongly connect to religion and groups/associations. Learning the basics and foundations.
Spiritual quests or pathways may open up to you this month. You may already be the teacher or seeking to be one, one that is respected and honors tradition, one that is willing to share in a formal Orthodox way Keeping to what you know and feel comfortable with will work better for you this month. Groups, organisations will also feature, and there may be possibilities of joining them or like-minded people forming a new circle of friends. Not the best month to take risks but keeping at your own steady pace, and doing things where you feel comfortable, for some, it is your birthday month, you may want to do lots of new and exciting things, as you enter a new age, but prepare the groundwork first so you know what you are getting involved in
This month, you may find you are having to hang around and contemplate what you want a fair bit
You are being asked to see things in a different way and look at the long term picture, not the short term. Life may see you swinging from 2 different points of view before you make your decision
If you choose to stay where you are, your growth may be stunted, but if you choose to step outside your comfort zone your soul will grow.Be at a crossroads for a while before taking that step.
Look at what is holding you back, what is tying you to your comfort zone or your current belief system? Something needs a fresh look, a different thought, a new way for it to grow. As you move into spring, things from the past may be holding you back, your awareness of this now is crucial for what you want later in the year
Capricorn – 4 Pentacles
This card shows a good strong foundation is being built and money is building with that, you may be saving up for something special or just holding on tightly to what you’ve worked for. This is great for businesses and savings but be aware of being too tight, too restricted with your building – be mindful of still needing flexibility in your life, you are in danger of becoming too restricted to material things or what you have worked hard for.
Remember money flows better when it is used. Holding on to material things or emotions for that matter won’t serve you in the long run, be open to being a little more generous and removes the emotional blocks you may be holding tightly.
If you have your guard up, again remember too that there needs to be a little gap for that flow! Let a little love in
Aquarius 3 of Wands
What a great card for the Spring! The Three of Wands sees that your plans are now well underway and you may be offered even more opportunities to expand your horizons and bring about a better potential outcome. Travel plans may pop up this month along be it with work or pleasure. This card indicates that now is the time to start forging ahead with what you have been planning recently. Teamwork may work well with you for all of the spring, as long as everyone is on the same page. Everything is progressing steadily
It is time to think bigger than before and acknowledges great opportunities that present themselves. This month is about preparing for the bigger picture and being a little more adventures than usual
Action is required to get what you have been dreaming of
Pisces – 9 Wands
As you come into this March, your birthday month, any frustrations from 2019 are almost over, if you have been feeling like banging your head against a brick wall or going round in circles, that is all about to be behind you as you enter a much clearer time. Although there is still a little more ahead before you are out of the waters, you are in a stronger position to know what’s what. You are moving on from the hard times and struggles.
If you have been feeling like giving up, not carrying on, one step forward one step back and testing times, rest assured its almost over. Many lessons have been learned through these trying times and you really are almost there. Obstacles can come in many forms but stand your own and keep pushing on to the finish line that’s so close insight
Soon you will be able to look back and see how far you have come, knowing you can handle anything now