Kate May Modern Day Mystic

Tarot Parties

Tarot Parties

Cost –  £30.00 min 3 people max 6 people

(A deposit of £30.00 is required to book)

Why not have a Tarot party! I come out to your home, with my cards and work my magic! I see each person individually for around 20-25 minutes. I ask for a separate room to the party so each reading is done in private confidently.  Some people lay on a spread for there guests and enjoy some alcohol which is fine, how ever I wont see anyone that appears to be intoxicated, so please do not have too many alcoholic drinks before a reading. You want to remember your reading after all!

Readings Info

Ethics and rules for reading

1) Confidentiality ~ your personal information and reading will not be shared with anyone without your permission.

 2) Trust ~ what you share with me stays right here with us and I would never use your information to benefit me or another in any way. I will serve you in your best interest, neither will I intentionally harm you.

3) Non-judgement ~  I do not practice judgement and any information you bring to the reading is not seen in judgement. I treat you with equal respect regardless of race, creed, gender, age or sexual preference.

4) Empowerment ~ As a Tarot reader I want to empower you to make informed decisions, however, they are your answers and your decisions not mine. I will not take responsibility for your actions and will  say what the cards are saying in the particular area.I will not tell you what to do ~ I may make suggestions and offer you a guiding path.  It is all up to you to do whatever you will.

5) Future Predictions ~ Of course that will happen as any Tarot reading is using the power of divination.  However, the reading is in the now, the present moment and all depends on you, your choices, and your changes to create your future destiny. You have free will.

6) Reading about other people ~you will give me permission to read for you, however, I do not have permission to read about others. Invasion of boundaries is very important to me. I can help you however to phrase your question about your boy/girlfriend/boss/family/friend etc. so that the question is about your relationship to another but I will not read without permission for someone else.

7) A tarot reading does not diagnosis or treat health issues, nor will it or I offer you financial advice or mental health counseling.  In my experience it will guide you to seek help or advice if needed from those qualified in that field of work.

8) You must be 18 years or older to order a tarot reading. I will read for 16 -18 years old with the parents’ permission and with one of them being present. I use angel tarot cards in this instance.

9)Tarot reading will not always guarantee spiritual mediumship messages, when I work I have no idea what will happen until I sit with you and open up.

10) Tarot reading can be seen by some as entertainment only, and while I will point out I get very accurate results with the cards, you have free will to decide and take you own course of action.