Cost £40.00 Date to be confirmed
paypal at least 1 week prior to event please – spaces are limited
Join Kate May, Colin Flaherty on a fun yet informative, practical day of spiritual awareness, and psychic development.
Throughout this day you will work through different divinations from tarot cards, Angel cards, ribbon readings, psychometry, plus working with symbols to enhance your spirit links, how to deepen your connection with spirit and hold links
How to know the difference between spirit and your own mind, plus the difference between psychic and mediumship connections.
The intent of prayer,and protection
There will be a discussion on the aspects of trance, and the difference between real trance and over shadowing ,with a chance to sit in the energy for possible ver shadowing, plus Q & A sessions to close.
The day will consist of 2 meditations
Light refreshments will be provided please bring lunch
Journals or note books are advised to be bought to take notes for yourselves
Please Contact Kate to book or for any questions on 07800734911