Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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New Moon in Leo: Embracing Bold Beginnings

As the New Moon graces, us in the fiery sign of Leo, we are invited to tap into our inner lion and embrace new beginnings with courage, creativity, and confidence. This celestial event marks a powerful time for setting intentions, embarking on fresh ventures, and igniting our passions. Let’s explore the energies of this New Moon and how we can harness them to create a vibrant, fulfilling chapter in our lives.

The New Moon in Leo occurs on Sunday 4th August. During this time, the sky is dark, symbolising a fertile ground for planting new seeds of intention.

Confident and Bold: Leo’s are known for their confidence and natural leadership abilities. They often have a strong presence and aren’t afraid to stand out. This is the time to be loud and proud!

Warm and Generous: They are warm-hearted and generous, often going out of their way to help others and share their resources. Use this time to help others and raise the vibration.

Creative and Passionate: Leo’s have a flair for the dramatic and are often passionate about creative pursuits, whether in the arts, music, or any other form of expression. Get creative, connect to your inner child and be playful.

Loyal and Protective: They are fiercely loyal to their friends and loved ones, often acting as protectors and champions for those they care about.  Reach out to your play mates and have some fun! Leos typically enjoy socialising and are often the life of the party. They love being around people and are great at making others feel comfortable.

Creative and Passionate: Leo’s have a flair for the dramatic and are often passionate about creative pursuits, whether in the arts, music, or any other form of expression. Get creative, connect to your inner child and be playful.

Loyal and Protective: They are fiercely loyal to their friends and loved ones, often acting as protectors and champions for those they care about.  Reach out to your play mates and have some fun! Leos typically enjoy socialising and are often the life of the party. They love being around people and are great at making others feel comfortable.

Ambitious and Driven: Leos are ambitious and driven, often setting high goals for themselves and working hard to achieve them. Re set your goals on this new moon.

Key Themes:

Self-Expression: This is a time to reconnect with what makes you unique. Whether through art, writing, performance, or any creative outlet, allow yourself to express your true self without fear of judgement.

Courage and Confidence: Leo energy is all about bravery. If there’s something you’ve been hesitant to pursue, now is the time to gather your courage and go after it.

Passion and Joy: Engage in activities that bring you joy and passion. This New Moon is about celebrating life and indulging in what makes you feel alive.

Leadership and Influence: Step into your role as a leader, whether in your community, workplace, or personal life. Leo encourages us to take charge and inspire others.

Setting Intentions

New Moons are ideal for setting intentions, and with Leo’s influence, these intentions should be big, bold, and heart cantered. Consider what lights you up and brings out your most vibrant self. Write down your intentions clearly and envision them unfolding with the confidence and joy that Leo embodies.

Intention Setting Ritual:

Find a Quiet Space: Choose a comfortable and quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Light a Candle: A candle can symbolise the light of Leo and your own inner fire.

Meditate: Take a few moments to meditate, focusing on your breath and clearing your mind
Write Your Intentions: On a piece of paper, write down your intentions. Be specific and focus on what you want to attract into your life.

Visualise: Close your eyes and visualise your intentions manifesting. Feel the joy and excitement as if they are already happening.

Keep Your Intentions: Place your written intentions somewhere special, like a journal or an altar, and revisit them throughout the lunar cycle.

The New Moon in Leo is a powerful time to reconnect with our inner strength and embrace our authentic selves. It’s an invitation to live boldly, express ourselves creatively, and pursue our passions with enthusiasm. As you set your intentions, remember to align them with your heart’s desires and the joy that comes from being unapologetically yourself.

May this New Moon inspire you to step into your power and shine your light brightly!

Lion: A prominent feature of the Strength card, the lion symbolises raw power, courage, and passion. In astrology, the lion is the symbol of Leo, representing similar qualities.

Woman: Typically depicted gently taming or interacting with the lion, she represents inner strength, compassion, and the ability to guide and control raw power with grace.

Infinity Symbol: Often seen above the woman’s head, this symbol suggests infinite potential, wisdom, and the balance of power.

Upright: Courage, strength, compassion, patience, self-control, and the ability to overcome challenges with grace.

Reversed: Self-doubt, lack of courage, weakness, or the misuse of power.

The Strength card’s connection to Leo emphasises leadership, generosity, and the heart’s strength. It’s a reminder to approach situations with compassion and confidence, much like the proud and fiery nature of Leo.




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