Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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Often we see birds of prey or certain animals but what do they symbolise?

This week during a circle I saw for the first time an eagle in my own sitting. So intrigued I, went down the rabbit hole of finding out what different beings could mean.

 Seeing certain animal signs can have various meanings, depending on your personal beliefs, cultural context, and the particular animal involved. In many cultures and spiritual practices, animals are seen as messengers or symbols that carry specific meanings or guidance for your life. Here’s a guide to some common interpretations of animal signs:

1. Birds

Eagle: Represents freedom, vision, and a higher perspective. Seeing an eagle might encourage you to look at the bigger picture or take bold action.

Owl: Symbolises wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see what others cannot. An owl sighting can suggest you need to look deeper into a situation or trust your instincts.

Dove: Associated with peace, love, and harmony. Seeing a dove may be a sign of hope, new beginnings, or reassurance during tough times.

2. Mammals

Wolf: Represents instinct, intelligence, and social connections. Seeing a wolf can be a reminder to trust your instincts or work on your teamwork and communication skills.

Deer: Symbolises gentleness, grace, and a connection with nature. A deer sighting may suggest you approach a situation with compassion and patience.

Bear: Often associated with strength, courage, and introspection. Seeing a bear can be a call to stand your ground, face your fears, or take time for self-reflection.

3. Reptiles and Amphibians

Snake: Represents transformation, healing, and renewal. Seeing a snake might indicate a time of personal growth or a need to shed old habits or beliefs.

Frog: Symbolises cleansing, renewal, and adaptability. A frog sighting may suggest a time for emotional healing or adjusting to changes in your life.

Turtle: Associated with patience, resilience, and protection. Seeing a turtle can remind you to take things slow and steady or to focus on long-term goals.

4. Insects

Butterfly: Represents transformation, change, and the beauty of growth. A butterfly sighting can be a sign of personal metamorphosis or embracing new beginnings.

Bee: Symbolises hard work, cooperation, and productivity. Seeing a bee can encourage you to stay focused on your goals or work harmoniously with others.

Dragonfly: Represents adaptability, lightness, and the connection between emotions and thoughts. A dragonfly sighting may suggest a need to adapt to your environment or to see beyond illusions.

5. Aquatic Animals

Dolphin: Symbolises playfulness, intelligence, and emotional harmony. Seeing a dolphin might be a sign to embrace joy, connect with your playful side, or trust your intuition.

Shark: Represents power, survival, and instinct. A shark sighting can suggest facing your fears or being mindful of aggressive behaviours in your surroundings.

Fish: Often associated with abundance, flow, and spirituality. Seeing fish may indicate a need to go with the flow or explore deeper emotional or spiritual matters.

6. Mythical Creatures (Symbolic Sightings)

Dragon: Represents power, protection, and wisdom in many cultures. A dragon sighting in dreams or symbols can suggest embracing your inner power or seeking out knowledge.

Phoenix: Symbolises rebirth, transformation, and resilience. Seeing a phoenix (or phoenix symbols) can be a powerful sign of overcoming adversity and emerging stronger.

How to Interpret Animal Signs

Reflect on the Context: Consider the circumstances of the sighting. Were you thinking of a specific issue or question when you saw the animal?

Trust Your Intuition: Personal intuition often plays a significant role in interpreting animal signs. What did you feel when you saw the animal? Your immediate reaction can provide clues.

Look for Patterns: If you see the same animal repeatedly, it could indicate a stronger message that you need to pay attention to.

Research Symbolism: Different animals have various meanings across cultures and belief systems. It can be helpful to research or meditate on the animal to find a meaning that resonates with you.

Consider Your Personal Connection: Personal experiences with animals can influence their meaning. For example, if you had a positive encounter with a dog as a child, seeing a dog might bring a message of loyalty or friendship unique to your personal journey.

Animals often appear as signs when we need guidance, comfort, or reminders of qualities we should embody or lessons we should learn. Paying attention to these signs can help you gain insight into your life’s path and current challenges. So now you know!




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