Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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Full Moon in Capricorn

The second full moon in Capricorn, also known as a “blue moon” when it occurs twice in the same zodiac sign within a year, offers a unique and potent opportunity for reflection, goal setting, and grounding. Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is associated with discipline, responsibility, and long-term achievements. By embracing the structured and ambitious energy of Capricorn, you can make significant strides towards your long-term goals and build a solid foundation for future success.

Represented by the ambitious mountain goat steadily climbing to the top. Capricorn is synonymous with manifestation, ambition, and the achievement of goals. This significant event brings potent and dynamic lunar energy, sparking abrupt changes noticeable a few days before and after its peak illumination. While all zodiac signs will feel its effects, it will be especially impactful for those with Sun, Moon, or Rising in Capricorn.

This Capricorn Full Moon, occurring at the midpoint of the year, catalysis a substantial energy shift promoting deep inner healing, closure, transformation, and personal evolution. It marks the climax of various challenges since the Capricorn New Moon on January 11. During this phase, we gain insights into the significant roles people have played in our lives and how key events fit together. Understanding these past six months and dissolving illusions will release any associated karma.

This is the second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn, signalling the closure of events that began around June 21, 2024. This transformative energy encourages us to reflect on our achievements and reassess our long-term goals.

Capricorn’s meticulous and determined nature provides the perfect foundation to address any unfinished business and redefine our ambitions. The energies around this event blend the practical with the spiritual, allowing us to create a balanced approach toward manifesting our goals and dreams.

Capricorn’s influence encourages deep self-connection, fostering self-awareness and the setting of realistic goals. Support your journey using both esoteric tools like meditation, crystals, and tarot, as well as non-esoteric practices such as journaling, exercise, and spending time in nature.

Remember, it’s never too late to start anew! Regardless of your age or stage in life, you have the power to cleanse old patterns and create the life you truly want and deserve. This is your time to shine, embrace your purpose, and let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Let’s rise together, transform our lives, and step into our highest selves.

Here are some ways to harness the energy of this full moon:

Set Long-Term Goals: Capricorn energy is perfect for planning and setting long-term goals. Reflect on what you want to achieve in the coming months or years. Write down specific, realistic, and measurable goals that align with your ambitions.

Reflect on Achievements: Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished so far. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledge the hard work and effort you have put into reaching your goals.

Revaluate and Adjust Plans: Use this time to reassess your current plans and strategies. Are they working effectively? Do they align with your core values and long-term vision? Make necessary adjustments to ensure you are on the right path.

Practice Patience and Persistence: Capricorn’s influence emphasises the importance of patience and persistence. Remind yourself that significant achievements take time and effort. Stay committed to your goals even when progress seems slow.

Ground Yourself: Engage in grounding activities to connect with the earth and stabilise your energy. This can include spending time in nature, gardening, walking barefoot on the grass, or practising grounding meditation.

Focus on Professional and Personal Development: Capricorn rules the 10th house of career and public life. Use this full moon to focus on professional growth and personal development. Consider taking a course, attending a workshop, or seeking mentorship to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Create Structure and Order: Capricorn thrives on structure and order. Organise your space, create a daily routine, and establish a system that helps you stay disciplined and productive.

Release What No Longer Serves You: Full moons are also a time for releasing. Let go of habits, relationships, or mindsets that hinder your progress. Reflect on what is holding you back and take steps to release these obstacles.

Practice Self-Discipline: Strengthen your self-discipline by setting boundaries and sticking to your commitments. This can help you build resilience and stay focused on your goals.

Connect with Capricorn Energy: Meditate on the qualities of Capricorn: determination, responsibility, and practicality. Visualise yourself embodying these traits and moving confidently towards your aspirations.

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card and Capricorn

The Queen of Pentacles in tarot embodies the essence of Capricorn energy with her nurturing yet disciplined nature. She is the epitome of grounded practicality, seamlessly blending ambition with a deep sense of responsibility. Just as Capricorn is associated with stability, structure, and long-term planning, the Queen of Pentacles is often depicted surrounded by the comforts of her domain lush gardens, abundant harvests, and a serene, stable environment.

Her presence is a reminder of the power of balance: she is both a provider and a protector, skilfully managing her resources and responsibilities. This card encourages you to cultivate a sense of security and abundance in your life, focusing on both material well-being and emotional fulfilment. The Queen of Pentacles also exemplifies the Capricorn trait of perseverance, showing that through patience and dedication, you can achieve lasting success and create a nurturing space for yourself and those around you.

In essence, the Queen of Pentacles invites you to harness the disciplined, practical, and grounded aspects of Capricorn energy, encouraging you to build a solid foundation for your future while remaining connected to the natural world and your own inner wisdom.

See the full vid with more Tarot insights

Mystic blessings Kate May x

Mystic Blessing Kate May




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