Kate May Modern Day Mystic

45 cards separated into 6 different categories.

These Modern Mystic messages have been created to give you guidance and answers in my straight-talking way!

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Welcome to Leo season, where the cosmos cranks up the volume to full blast! From July 23 to August 22, the sun blazes in the sign of the Lion, igniting our hearts with passion, creativity, and a touch of drama. Picture a vibrant festival where everyone is a star, strutting their stuff under the spotlight of the sun. It’s the perfect time to unleash your inner performer, indulge in a bit of self-love, and radiate confidence like never before. Whether you’re planning bold new ventures or simply soaking up the summer vibes, Leo season invites you to live life unapologetically and with a roar!

Characteristics of Leo Season

Energetic and Enthusiastic: Leo season is often associated with high energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life. It’s a time for expressing creativity and enjoying social activities.

Leadership and Confidence: Leo are known for their leadership qualities and confidence. This period can encourage people to take charge, pursue their goals with determination, and stand out.

Generosity and Warmth: Leo season emphasises generosity, warmth, and a big-hearted nature. It’s a time to share joy and make others feel special.

Dramatic and Passionate: There is often a dramatic flair during this season. People might find themselves more passionate and expressive, both in their personal and professional lives.

How to Make the Most of Leo Season

Embrace Creativity: Engage in creative projects or hobbies that allow you to express yourself.

Socialise and Celebrate: Plan gatherings or events with friends and family to enjoy the communal energy.

Take the Lead: Step into leadership roles or take initiative in projects that are important to you.

Show Appreciation: Be generous with your time and resources, and show appreciation for the people around you.

Zodiac Compatibility

Leo season can be particularly significant for those with strong placements in Leo (sun, moon, or rising). It also affects other signs differently:

Compatible Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra often vibe well with the bold and lively energy of Leo season.

Challenging Signs: Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius might find this period challenging due to differing elemental influences.

Enjoy the vibrant and dynamic energy of Leo season!

The Strength tarot card is closely associated with Leo season, and its symbolism resonates deeply with the qualities of Leo. Here’s an in-depth look at how the Strength card relates to Leo season:

Symbolism of the Strength Tarot Card

Lion Imagery: The card often features a woman gently holding or interacting with a lion, symbolising the taming of raw power and emotions. The lion represents courage, strength, and ferocity, aligning perfectly with Leo’s astrological symbol.

Inner Strength and Courage: Strength is about inner fortitude, resilience, and the quiet power of patience and compassion, mirroring the best traits of Leo.

Gentleness and Compassion: The woman’s interaction with the lion symbolises controlling one’s inner animalistic instincts with gentleness and compassion, rather than force or dominance.

Confidence and Self-Belief: This card embodies self-confidence and the belief in one’s abilities, much like the confident nature of Leo.

How the Strength Card Enhances Leo Season

Harnessing Personal Power: Leo season encourages individuals to embrace their personal power and leadership qualities. The Strength card echoes this by urging you to harness your inner strength and apply it wisely.

Balancing Emotions: During this vibrant season, emotions can run high. The Strength card reminds us to balance passion with patience and to face challenges with grace.

Encouraging Compassion: Leo’s warm and generous nature is mirrored in the Strength card’s message of compassion and empathy, suggesting that true strength lies in understanding and kindness.

Building Confidence: This card reinforces the confidence and bravery that Leo season inspires. It’s a time to pursue goals with determination and trust in your abilities.

Using the Strength Card During Leo Season

Meditation: Meditate on the Strength card to connect with its energy and integrate its lessons of inner strength and compassion into your daily life.

Affirmations: Use affirmations inspired by the Strength card to boost your confidence and resilience.

Creative Visualisation: Visualise yourself embodying the qualities of the Strength card, calm, composed, and in control of your inner and outer worlds.

Tarot Spread for Leo Season

Consider doing a tarot spread that incorporates the Strength card to gain insights specific to this period. Here’s a simple three-card spread:

Card 1: Your Current Strengths – What inner strengths you possess that you can rely on.

Card 2: Challenges to Overcome – What obstacles you might face and how to approach them with courage.

Card 3: Embracing Leo Energy – How to best harness the energy of Leo season to achieve your goals.

By connecting with the Strength tarot card during Leo season, you can deepen your understanding of its themes and embody its powerful, yet gentle, energy

Mystic Blessings

Kate May x




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