Diary of Mystic December
Well I was so busy with this and that I totally missed the November Mystic diary!
I have been so focused on re writing my tarot course, with a deadline looming its literally taken over my life! I have been offered the most amazing opportunity to offer this course to a huge American cliental from the Wonderful Spiritual medium Mavis Pittilla and Jean Else.
We opened the shop, mystic river lounge briefly this month, had about 3 weeks there before we had to close the doors again due to the covid restrictions. I am much more fortunate than most being able to work from home doing readings remotely and teaching remotely. We did have a few weeks of fun though getting in the Christmas vibe playing Christmas songs over and over! We also launched our new cake list!
From Novembers lock down we increased our stock in the shop, and have sold loads, I love the fact that people ae supporting small businesses its really helped and its lovely to be able to offer unusual gifts for people for gifts or themselves
Jem and I have opened a joint business venture – Mystic & Holistic – I get asked by so many people do I know someone that does past life regression, Hypnotherapy, reflexology, Feng Shui, ect and I do! But I often forget who has asked or where to post so I have come up with the idea to have a directory, a one stop directory, where I can easily direct people plus it helps support those working in that field. Win Win!
Christmas was strange this year, quieter than normal for most but it is what it is and we just got to do the best we can. I missed the drinky celebrations but I used the time to work on so many behind the scenes things that ive been wanting to do!
Some exciting news this December – Mr Flaaa asked me to Marry him! of course I said YES! We are keeping it quiet for a while – by the time this goes out it would have been announced! What a turn around from 6 months ago!
I have never said this before but I will be glad to get 2020 done! So much more fun to look forward to in 2021!
Mystic Blesisngs
Kate May