Kate May Modern Day Mystic


Interview with Psychic Insight Magazine – Kate May

Psychic Insight Magazine Posted on December 12, 2018 by Kate May December 2018 This was wrote for Psychic Insight online Magazine My mum was very open to spiritualism and the holistic approach to life while my dad was an atheist. Although he was the one that would drive me to the spiritualist churches later on

Interview with Psychic Insight Magazine – Kate May Read More »

Psychic Insight Magazine Posted on December 12, 2018 by Kate May December 2018 This was wrote for Psychic Insight online Magazine My mum was very open to spiritualism and the holistic approach to life while my dad was an atheist. Although he was the one that would drive me to the spiritualist churches later on

Collin Fry

Interview with Colin Fry for Silent Voices Magazine by Kate May

Kate has had the pleasure of interviewing many people on spiritual subjects, here she talks to the late Colin Fry in 2015    Colin Fry This interview was conducted 12 months before Colin passed into spirit. Publicly acknowledged as ‘The Peoples Medium’, Colin is one of the world’s most renowned mediums, having worked as a

Interview with Colin Fry for Silent Voices Magazine by Kate May Read More »

Kate has had the pleasure of interviewing many people on spiritual subjects, here she talks to the late Colin Fry in 2015    Colin Fry This interview was conducted 12 months before Colin passed into spirit. Publicly acknowledged as ‘The Peoples Medium’, Colin is one of the world’s most renowned mediums, having worked as a